BNSF Tracks in Infrared

by Mike Lee
BNSF Tracks in Infrared
Mike Lee
Photograph - Digital Photography
On this summer afternoon there were thunderstorms building as is common around my “home base” in Lassen County California. The clouds forming in the sky while bright sunshine was still getting through made for perfect conditions to do some infrared photography. When I crossed this set of Burlington Northern Sante Fe tracks going through the forest and saw the sky above I had to grab a shot.
August 17th, 2023
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Comments (83)

Harry Beugelink
Great BW Image. Beautiful composition forcing the eye to follow the track to the end

James Brunker
Superb, congratulations on your 3rd place in the 'SCAPES URBAN, RURAL….WITH CLOUDS' contest!

Jurgen Lorenzen
Mike, congratulations on your win in the PHOTOGRAPHS BLACK AND WHITE OF SCAPES URBAN RURAL... contest!