North Tahoe Dusk

by Mike Lee
North Tahoe Dusk
Mike Lee
Photograph - Digital Photography
Lake Tahoe on the California/Nevada state line is a beautiful place. It’s also crazy popular with much of its 71 miles of shoreline either private or quite crowded in the warmer months. Therefore, I felt quite blessed to find this little spot just below a vista point on Nevada State Route 28 and have it to myself for the better part of an hour on a beautiful May evening. This image isn’t completely photo realistic as I used a quite long shutter opening of over 2 minutes to flatten the water surface that was actually fairly ripply. The result is an image that conveys the tranquil feeling I had as I stood them amid such beauty as the last bit of warm light from the sun setting to my right bathed the edges of the boulders reaching out in to the Tahoe blue.
May 29th, 2022
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Comments (56)

Gregory A Mitchell Photography
Congratulations Mike on being featured in the Fine Art America Group “The Art of Fishing!” An exquisite Lake Tahoe artwork! The pastel colors, depth and detail are stunning! The lighting and atmosphere are so well executed! Bravo! Feel free to place this work in the 2024 featured discussion for viewing and preserving should you wish

Your artwork has been featured on the homepage of FAA Gallery Home For All Artists Who Create. Please post your amazing artwork in our` Archive your May Features` discussion.

Shelia Hunt
Wow, I love the color and the way it works together with the light and shadows in this lovely picture, Mike! Well done!

Luther Fine Art
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