Frigid Pheasant

by Mike Lee
Frigid Pheasant
Mike Lee
Photograph - Digital Photography
Here in my little corner of “sunny California” it is quite common for us to have periods of freezing fog after periods of rain. Such was the case during the last week of November 2024. If you can stand to be out in it, it can be quite beautiful. On this particular day, I took a little drive which took me by the Fleming Unit of the Honey Lake Wildlife Area in Lassen County California. While cruising along in my mobile photo blind (aka Ram 1500 pickup) I spotted 3 ring necked pheasant roosters in this very frosty tree. They were on the passenger side of the truck so I had to go by and turn around to have a better chance to shoot them out the driver's side. By the time I got back to the spot, this guy was the only one still in the tree. He tried to hide and not cooperate for several seconds before turning his head and taking a peak at the guy in the big white thing on the road before voicing his displeasure and flying off in a field. I'm glad I got a frame I like before he left. I now have ONE pheasant photo in my portfolio. I've scared plenty of them over the years (and several have scared me back when they've loudly left bushes I've walked by) but never been able to get a decent shot of one as they are definitely timid. They're also incredibly beautiful birds and his colors really pop against all that frosty foliage in my opinion.
December 1st, 2024
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Comments (51)

Nirav Shah 13 Days Ago
What a beautiful bird and its colours definitely stand out against the white foliage! l/f

Alex Lapidus
Congratulations! This fine image of an identified wild bird is featured in the Wild Birds of the World - A Nature Photography Group. Please take a moment to add it to the Oct - Dec 2024 Feature Archive discussion for additional visibility.

Harry Beugelink
Congratulations Lee on being featured in the Art Network Group. Great capture with beautiful composition in the birds colors standing out against the frosty tree