Burros and Rays - Wild Burros at Sunrise

by Mike Lee
Burros and Rays - Wild Burros at Sunrise
Mike Lee
Photograph - Digital Photography
While taking a little drive near my home n eastern Lassen County, (California, USA) one morning I looked in my mirror and saw some really cool light rays coming through the clouds. I thought šš” š š¢šš š¤šš¢šš šš šššš šš š”āššš š¤šš š šššš”āššš š”š š āššš” šš ššššš” šš š”āšš š ššš¦š . Then about another hundred yards up the road I saw these critters standing there looking at me as if to say, "What are we? chopped liver?"
Our little piece of high desert is home to a pretty large population of wild/feral horses and burros and this was one of the larger groups of the latter I've seen in the area.
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February 1st, 2021
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Comments (547)

Mary Wolf 18 Hours Ago
This is pretty incredible, Mike. Those little burros all cooperated very well. l/f

Paisley Marten 13 Days Ago
The wild burros in this scene add such a captivating presence, standing as a symbol of resilience and adaptability in their natural habitat. Their silhouettes against the misty mountains and dramatic sky create a striking contrast that enhances the mood of the image. The way they are positioned, all facing toward the viewer, adds a sense of intrigue and connection, making the composition feel both intimate and expansive. It's a beautiful testament to the untamed spirit of these incredible animals.

Mike Lee 19 Days Ago
Thank you very much, Adrienne! It wasn't so much a pose but concern for if the goofy looking guy with the black box in his hand was going to get too close...lol

Adrienne Wilson 20 Days Ago
Oh my gosh, Mike, what a great shot. How in the world did you get them to all pose for you? Love your "back story".

Doug Gist
What a great shot and story behind it Mike. I have never seen wild burros north of Tonopah and have been here in Northern Nevada for almost fifty years.
Mike Lee replied:
Thank you very much, Doug! I've seen lots of mustangs in the Washoe valley but I've never seen burros either. They are fairly common in the Smoke Creek Desert north of Susanville and less so in this area between Wendel and the Nevada line.